“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”
Our Story
To grow in Faith and share our Faith in God with the World around us
About Us
How We Started
Online Bible Diary is an initiation to encourage the habit of Bible Reading and to make it a subjective and practical part of our daily living. Reading and meditating the Bible daily helps every man to discern the purpose of their creation and to enter deep into the Love of God, to receive the joy of salvation, and to attain spiritual newness in their life. (Isaiah 11:9)This would lead every man to the Kingdom of God and lead them to follow the footprints of our Saviour.
God made me a blessing to numerous families around the world, in the past 26 years which given me the experience and knowledge to flourish in his ministry. The children of God who are justified through the faith in the Son of God are obligated to keep the commandments given by our Father, God through his Holy Spirit written in the Word of God. Why do we need to read the Word of God? The ancient man had cast out from the place where he was ordained by God and increased in population. (Gen 3:24). The way to life remains opened now. Each man has the responsibility to seek the truth and to attain salvation personally through the Word of God. I thank Almighty God for opening my eyes to receive this glorious counsel.
No one in this world can answer questions like, Who am I? From where I came? Why I live in this world? To where I would go after my death? Humans are brainless as they lost the Wisdom of God when they departed from the presence of God.
Dear brothers and sisters, take your time to read and meditate on the Word of God daily. May God bless you to see the wonderful things in the Word of God.
Our Mission
To encourage people all around the world to read the Word of God and to practice it as a daily habit and thus to guide them closer to their creature.
Our Vision
We are committed to helping every person believe in Jesus Christ and to be instructed in his perfect ways by establishing his divine truth across the world.
The Counsel of God to the beloved Children of the heavenly father, those who are called to become the New Testament Israel. May the blessings through our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always…..
During the past 27 years of my divine leading, I got the privilege to hear the desire of my heavenly father clearly by his grace. The voice I heard was;
“My people should read my word and you must prepare a book to record it (Isaiah 30;8,9). And you should write a letter to my servants also. You need to hand over the book and letter and pray for them by making them aware of it.”
Dear Brethren,this is not a personal vision or a personal ministry by someone, but the will of our father lord who made everything.(Isaiah 11:9,Hebrew 8:10,11).When God cast out the first man from their desired state, he lost the wisdom and love of God and his mind has been replaced with demonic wisdom. Disobedience entered in their actions. Later man began to multiply in the spirit of selfishness in many languages.With time, a solution has been found through the son who came as a man by sending his holy spirit. It is the plan of God concerning the man that they should abide in his word for the foundation of the children of God is in the Word of god. Nobody is allowed to add or deduct anything from God’s Word. If a man himself is not trying to know the truth, he will be guided in the journey to perdition.(Hosea 4:6)The inborn carnal character won’t depart the body. So all brethren should listen to the word of god.
So dear brothers and sisters, God showed his will in His Word clear to us. Therefore we must read it daily wherever we are and should make a record of it.We should be careful to lead a pleasing life and also guide others to the way of truth. Jesus Christ showed himself as a sample in reading the Word of God by reading the book of Isaiah at the Synagogue of Nazareth.
So my beloved in Christ,let’s practice the Scripture reading and make it a foundation for our life. Let’s put into practice the call of the Word “That we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus”.Let’s mould our next generation for our Lord…
For the kingdom of God.
Pastor Alexander Thomas